Motorists have to share the road with bikers, but unfortunately, many drivers don't. When a careless rider collides with a cyclist, the bicyclist often suffers severe injuries. Bicycle accidents are very different from regular car accidents. One of the key differences is that cyclists have little or no protection against force and shock in a car accident. This usually results in serious injury or even death in bicycle accidents. Fortunately, with the help of a professional injury lawyer, an injured cyclist can be compensated for lost wages, medical expenses as well as pain and suffering by filing a claim.
If you are involved in an accident, contact the attorneys at Amerberg Law Group in Los Angeles. We will help you get the financial compensation you deserve and need from the person who injured you. We are ready to talk 24/7, and we can start working on your case immediately. Get a free consultation now.
The Los Angeles metropolitan area is well known for having many impatient and inattentive drivers due to crowded roads. Sadly, some of these frustrations and lack of attention lead to bicycle accidents and injuries. These injuries can last a long time, even after you've had treatment and recovered from them.
Most people are unaware that they are eligible for more compensation for their injuries than they expect. Of course, no one likes to be greedy; however, it is important that we get the best care available and pay for it all when it comes to our own health. Without the help of a Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyer, it’s hard to get the maximum compensation; you need to continue your living as you were before your injuries.
Our lawyers can help you or your family member with any form of bicycle injury. If you are not sure if you have a case, don't hesitate to contact us and let us know what happened. Here are some examples of situations in which we can help:
After a bicycle accident, Amerberg Law Group attorneys can assist you in getting financial compensation for your losses by collecting all evidence of the accident, such as a police incident report, photographs from the scene, medical records and eyewitness testimonies.
Making sure that you receive the best possible medical treatment.
Work with accident reconstruction, medicine, and financial experts to produce irrefutable evidence of how the event occurred and who is to blame.
Filing an insurance claim and dealing with lawyers and adjusters so you can concentrate on your recovery; and defending your case throughout settlement talks and, if necessary, in court.
From start to finish, we handle every aspect of your case. All you have to do is concentrate on your health.
In the vast majority of bike accidents, a bicycle and a vehicle collision occurs. Some of the most often reported causes are:
The car turns right
Many bicycle accidents happen when a car tries to turn right at an intersection but does not see the cyclist. In most cases, the car driver is usually to blame for these incidents, but he may be only partially responsible if the cyclist did not follow the laws of the road..
Stop Signals
There are many incidents when the car has a stop sign at an intersection, but the bike does not. Here, the cyclist can easily pass through the intersection, but the vehicle driver must stop. The motorist would be to blame because the cyclist had the right of way in this circumstance.
Door collisions
People in parked cars should see if anyone is walking before opening the doors. If a cyclist collides with a car door that suddenly opens right in front of him, the motorist is to blame for the accident.
Left cross accidents
When a driver and cyclist approach an intersection from opposite sides, a left turn accident may occur. If a motorist turns left while the biker is at the intersection, they may cause a collision. This usually happens when the motorist cannot see the bike before turning or when the motorist mistakenly estimates the distance and/or speed of the bicyclist.
Rear End Collisions
A bicyclist can lose control of their bike with just a tiny tap from behind, resulting in serious injury. Bicyclists can be hit from behind by vehicles at any time of day, although it is most common at night when visibility is limited.
According to the statute of limitations, you normally have two years from the date of the bike accident to bring a personal injury claim in California. However, the Statute of Limitations may be different in some circumstances. If the accident was caused by a state or government-owned vehicle, you must notify the appropriate agency of your claim within six months after the accident.
You may not be able to file a lawsuit until your government claim has been officially denied or 45 days have passed without an answer. Your claim may be permanently denied if you fail to submit a timely notice or miss the deadline for making a claim. When you call our law firm, one of our attorneys will begin working on your case right away. We understand your situation and sympathize with the pain and frustration you may be feeling.
Our bicycle accident lawyers in Los Angeles are always with you. We understand that payment for injuries is very crucial as soon as feasible. Without sacrificing the full value of your case, we will try our best to make sure you receive it as soon as possible.
Call us or send us an email to schedule a free and no-obligation appointment with our compassionate Los Angeles bicycle accident attorney. We operate on a contingency basis with no compensation unless we win.